January 23, 2017

An important TV documentary about Alzheimer’s

Channel 21 to show “Alzheimer’s: Every Minute Counts” this Wednesday night.  

This Wednesday night, Jan. 25, at 10 pm, Channel 21 (WXXI) will air the documentary "Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts.”

The program will highlight the financial and social implications of Alzheimer's disease. The program itself calls for "an urgent wake-up call about the national and global threat posed by Alzheimer's disease." It’s a message we at Hurlbut Care Communities endorse and want to draw your attention to.

Due to the length of time people live with Alzheimer’s and their need for care, it’s the most expensive disease in the country. Future costs for Alzheimer’s threaten to bankrupt Medicare, Medicaid, and the life savings of millions of Americans. It is estimated that if the number of patients increases as projected in the years ahead, the costs to care for them will exceed $1.1 trillion. Also the national number of people with dementia is expected to nearly triple by 2050 if a treatment is not found.

The complex issues and challenges presented in this film are the same ones facing families here in Rochester and at our Hurlbut Care Communities. Please make sure you tune in and learn about what you can do to help end Alzheimer's disease. For information on the programs and services offered by the Alzheimer's Association locally, you can call them 1-800-272-3900 or visit our web site at Hurlbutcare.com where we can also tell you more and direct you to more resources.

Robert W. Hurlbut President